Stanza Catalog Update

I’ve continued enhancing the Stanza catalog I created earlier. New features include purchase links and Google Analytics tracking. I reverse-engineered the FeedBooks API and the feeds to figure out how to do some of these things. Also I’ve been reading the OPDS spec (an industry-standard successor to the Stanza format) to add support for e-readers on other platforms. For example Aldiko officially supports OPDS, but it recognizes Stanza tags as well.  It crashes if you try to open a PDF file however – so it just needs to be sent the right mime type.

Here’s the snippet where I reference the custom Analytics class I added:

 p.StoreDescription += Mises.Domain.Mobile.Analytics.GetAnalyticsImageTag(this.request.RequestContext.HttpContext);
                            var content = new TextSyndicationContent(p.StoreDescription,
                            item.Content = content;

And here’s how to add external links to a book info view:

                                new SyndicationLink(
                                    new Uri(string.Format("{0}&utm_source=MisesCatalog", p.ProductId)), "alternate", "Purchase at the Mises Store",
                                    "text/html", 0));
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